Tubes for non-woven


non woven

Embossed tubes for non-woven

I tubi ad alta resistenza e goffrati per avvolgere non woven sono progettati e realizzati per offrire eccellenti prestazioni e affidabilità nea

High-strength, embossed tubes for non-woven winding are designed and manufactured to offer excellent performance and reliability in the winding process. With their robust construction and quality embossing, these tubes ensure safe and uniform winding, meeting the specific needs of the industry.


The embossings are made in-house by REMI: in addition to the three standard types, it is also possible to have custom embossingsl processo di avvolgimento. Grazie alla loro struttura robusta e alla qualità delle goffrature, questi tubi garantiscono un avvolgimento sicuro e uniforme, rispondendo alle esigenze specifiche del settore.

Le goffrature sono realizzate internamente da REMI: oltre alle tre tipologie standard è anche possibile avete goffrature customizzate su specifica necessità del cliente.

Of the non-woven tubes our customers appreciate

Embossings made in-house

The embossings of our tubes are made in-house, to ensure complete control of the production process and ensure the highest quality and precision. This provides a uniform surface finish, improving the adhesion and stability of the nonwoven fabric during winding

Three standard types

We offer three standard types of embossing, designed to meet the different requirements of the non-woven market and meet the main application needs.

Ability to customize embossings

We can create custom embossings to meet specific requirements, ensuring a tailor-made product that perfectly meets the customer's needs.

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